There is something for everyone! Get involved!
Don’t underestimate the importance of having fun participating in school activities. Some of the best times and memories students have are the experiences of belonging to a club or participating in an after school activity. Clubs and activities are important to join just for the enjoyment that they will bring to most students, but they also allow the students to more easily make friends because the groups are small and they get to be themselves!
Clubs and activities provide students with many positive experiences that help them to become well-rounded individuals who are ready for college or the workplace. It helps students to become active in their school and to feel a connection the school and to others. It provides a sense of pride and school spirit and it is a positive influence on our youth today.
Battle of the Books
America's Battle of the Books is a voluntary reading incentive program for students in grades 3-12. The purpose is simply to encourage students to read good books and have fun while competing with peers.Book Fair
Just like you remember from your childhood! The Book Fair comes to Swift Creek each year and brings a variety of books for our gators to browse and select from.Field Day
An exciting outdoor event hosted annually at SCES. Gives students the chance to celebrate the school year coming to an end, show some class pride and spend a day being active.Fifth Grade Chorus
A special opportunity for our talented 5th Graders! Chorus is a great opportunity to sing together, make beautiful music, & have a lot of fun while representing our school! All fifth grade students are welcome to audition.Garden Club
After school, the garden club provides a great way for students to learn about gardening and gain hands-on experience growing their own food, and tasting the fruits (and vegetables!) of their labor.Gator Bowl
In alignment with our SNAP expectations, somewhere along the way the idea of the Gator Bowl was created! Great cafeteria behavior gives classes extra points before the actual fun. Then we bring all the 3rd-5th graders into the gym for a SCES original game - filled with teamwork, precision, and a little tournament style competition.Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run has fun, evidence-based programs that inspire girl empowerment by building confidence, kindness and decision making skills.Little Feet Meet
Little Feet Meets for preschool and elementary children help children reach critical developmental milestones through weekly sports training. Skill stations for preschool students, lead-up track events for students in grades K – 2 and competitive track events for students in grades 3 – 5 are offered to accommodate all ages and skill levels.Marcos Pizza Box Night
A Swift Creek Elementary annual tradition! Thanks to our partnership with our local Marco’s Pizza, we have all of our students design a pizza box during Art. Gator Families are then able to have pizza delivered in the box their student(s) designed themselves! It’s a special event that our gators really love!Safety Patrols
Safety Patrols are a select group of Fifth Graders that are committed to providing a safe school environment for all students at Swift Creek Elementary. Patrol membership is an honored position. Being a patrol is a lot of work and a BIG responsibility. Safety Patrol participation offers students an early opportunity to serve as a school volunteer!SCES PTA Events
Throughout the School Year, our PTA hosts a wide variety of events to bring our community and students together, and support our school. It’s a great way to get involved and meet new people!WATCH D.O.G.S. and M.O.M.S
Help provide positive adult role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important. Meanwhile, we provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security, reduce bullying and provide a greater sense of campus safety allowing students and teachers to focus on learning and instruction.